Pine Crest Nursing Home

2100 E. Sixth Street - Merrill, WI 54452

Information about Pine Crest Nursing Home along with services and amenities can now be found on the North Central Health Care website at

In January 2020, North Central Health Care was contracted by Lincoln County to oversee management operations at Pine Crest Nursing Home. Lincoln County had reached out to North Central Health Care (NCHC) previously, in May 2019, to serve as the interim administrator during the retirement of their previous Nursing Home Administrator.

North Central Health Care is an organization owned and governed by Lincoln, Langlade and Marathon Counties to provide mental health, addiction, developmental disability and skilled nursing services, on behalf of our partner counties. This partnership has been intact for nearly 50 years. NCHC is a governmental agency owned by the three counties but is its own legal entity organized for the purposes stated above. NCHC has managed Mount View Care Center, a 180-bed licensed county nursing home in Wausau, on behalf of Marathon County for well over 50 years. Even though Lincoln County is part of NCHC, NCHC was never previously been asked to manage Pine Crest on behalf of Lincoln County.