Emergency Preparedness FAQs


How can I develop a Family Emergency Plan?

Preparing a Family Emergency Plan is easy. You can get started by using the free Family Emergency Plan template. A Family Emergency Plan can help a family to stay in contact if they are separated during an emergency.

How can I stay informed about emergencies?

It's important that you know the potential emergencies that can happen in your state, region and community. Go to ReadyWisconsin.wi.gov and click on our ReadyWisconsin Facebook, Twitter, or Email buttons to get emergency information directly from Wisconsin Emergency Management. ReadyWisconsin also recommends including a battery operated radio, such as a NOAA radio with tone alert, in your emergency kit to stay apprised of developments during emergencies. It is always important to listen to and follow the advice of local officials in the event of an emergency.

How can I talk to kids about emergency preparedness?

For children under 10, ReadyWisconsin recommends "Let's Get Ready". Click here to watch this great video from the folks at Sesame Street. 

For older kids, check out the STEP program. STEP is designed for teachers and others to get 4th and 5th graders ready for emergencies.

How can older Americans and individuals with disabilities and other access and functional needs prepare for emergencies?

ReadyWisconsin encourages all individuals to make an Emergency Supply Kit, including food and water, medications, a list of medications, dosage and schedule and medical records, and personal items such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchair battery charger and other appropriate supplies to maintain health and independence. ReadyWisconsin also recommends that individuals develop an emergency plan that considers their unique needs and a personal support network they can call upon in the event of an emergency. Additionally, every individual should include their friends and neighbors, with disabilities and without, in their emergency planning. In an emergency, neighbors will need to be prepared to help each other until first responders arrive. Know if your neighbors have disabilities or other access and functional needs and help them prepare.

How can pet owners prepare for emergencies?

Pet owners should assemble an Emergency Supply Kit that includes enough pet food and water for three days, medications and medical records, leashes, ID tags, and other appropriate supplies. It's recommended that pet owners have an emergency plan that includes the needs of their pets. Taking into consideration the types of emergencies that could happen in their area and the appropriate responses.

What should be included in an Emergency Supply Kit?

 In a basic Emergency Supply Kit, the ReadyWisconsin Campaign recommends including the following:

One gallon of water per person per day for three days – remember to include enough for your pets, too!
At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Select foods that require no refrigeration, preparation, or cooking and little or no water, and choose foods your family will eat: ready-to-eat canned meats, peanut butter, protein or fruit bars, dry cereal or granola. Also pack a manual can opener and eating utensils.
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit
Whistle to signal for help
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
Local maps

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