Traffic Safety Commission

(1) Appointing Authority. Members shall be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to confirmation by the County Board.

(2) Membership.
(a) Composition. The County Traffic Safety Commission shall consist of the following officials or their designated representative as called for in §83.013(1)(a), Wis. Stats.
1.   County Highway Commissioner.
2.  Chief County law enforcement officer.
3.  County Highway Safety Coordinator, appointed by the County.
4.  Education representative, appointed by the County.
5.  Medicine representative, appointed by the County.
6.  Law representative, appointed by the County.
7.  Wisconsin Department of Transportation Law Enforcement representative.
8.  Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Highways representative.
9.  Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Highway Safety representative.
10. Additional representatives as appointed by the County.

(b) Tenure. The term of office of members shall be 2 years commencing with their appointment by the County Board at its April 1994 organizational meeting.

(c) Vacancies. Persons appointed to fill a vacated position shall serve the balance of the 2-year term.

(3) Duties. The Commission shall:
(a) Meetings. Meet as least quarterly.
(b) Review Data. Review traffic data from the County/city, i.e. crash reports, spot maps, computer printouts, etc., and other traffic safety related matters.
(c) Spot Map. The Chief County law enforcement officer shall prepare and maintain a spot map showing the locations of traffic crashes on County and town roads and on city and village streets if the population of the city or village is less than 5,000. Traffic crash data received from cities and villages with a population of 5,000 or more shall also be maintained.
(d) Recommendations. Direct recommendations for any corrective actions in writing to the appropriate governmental official or to any appropriate branch of local or State government.
(e) Perform such other duties as prescribed by the County Board.

View the agendas, meeting minutes, and packets.