Retained County Authority (RCA) Committee

Committee by-laws can be viewed at Langlade, Lincoln and Marathon Counties County Clerk's Offices.

Langlade, Lincoln and Marathon Counties by action of their respective boards of supervisor have entered into a certain Agreement for the Joint Sponsorship of Community Programs for the purpose of establishing the North Central Community Services Program to administer a community mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse program, pursuant to Section 51.42 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

The Agreement for the Joint Sponsorship of Community Programs created a Retained County Board Authority Committee to exercise authority retained by the County Boards, as provided under sec. 51.42(5), Wis. Stats. The committee is comprised of four members - one from Lincoln County - appointed by the County Board for terms which coincide with the County Board's term.

Lincoln County's representative to the committee reports to the Lincoln County Administrative & Legislative Committee. N.L.Bergstrom (Corporation Counsel) - Lincoln County RCA member, 715.539.1015

View the agendas, meeting minutes, and packets.