Forestry, Land, and Parks Committee

(a) Membership: This committee shall consist of 5 supervisors. 

(b) Oversight: The Committee shall act as the policy and oversight committee of the Forestry, Land and Parks Department. 

(c) Responsibilities: This committee shall: 
(i) prepare a work plan and budget for the ensuing calendar year and present it for full Board approval. 
(ii) establish and maintain the physical plant necessary for conducting forest and parks operation. 
(iii) negotiate for and acquire land within the designated County forest boundary. 
(iv) review and approve all proposed recreation projects. 
(v) cooperate with the DNR on all matters pertaining to wildlife, fish and forest management in the County forest. 
(vi) participate in all other activities involved in the execution and administration of the County forest program. These activities will be guided by the Lincoln County Forest Fifteen Year Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the Lincoln County Five-Year Outdoor Recreation Plan. 
(vii) have jurisdiction over all tax title property, as well as all County-owned property, with the exclusion of any lands administered by other County Committees. Maintenance of such properties shall be as outlined at Property Committee below. (Am. #215-92; #243-94)

View the agendas, meeting minutes, and packets.

Members: (Committee Chair is Listed First)

District 22
District 1
District 5
District 6
District 18